Monday, March 28, 2016

CrossFit OTW Continues to Bring Fitness for All Ages to Carmel Valley

Carmel Valley San Diego Community | Kevin Hare | Mike_FarrelCarmel Valley resident and Teacher, Kevin Hare, opened the doors of his strength and conditioning gym, CrossFit OTW, to the community of Carmel Valley back in 2013. By now, you’ve probably heard the buzz about the fitness program dedicated to improving the lives of everyone from elite athletes and Special Forces soldiers to everyday men and women who are looking to get in shape. Kevin brings a unique athletic and coaching experience to Carmel Valley – most recently from the Washington, DC, metro area where he founded and managed a high school CrossFit affiliate, CrossFit Gonzaga, and also taught Computer Science at the High School level. He also trained and coached at CrossFit Old Town in Alexandria, Virginia, under owner and CrossFit Games Masters Champion, Jerry Hill. Kevin, who was a college track athlete, brings over 13 years of experience as a high school teacher and coach, as well as numerous strength and conditioning certifications. In addition to improving the health and wellness of Carmel Valley residents, Kevin also is busy molding the youth of the neighborhood as the Department Chair of the Computer Science & Engineering Department at Cathedral Catholic High School of Del Mar Heights Road. He currently teaches AP Computer Science, Web Design, Filmmaking, and the award winning TV Broadcasting course, CCTV. In addition to these course, he has also started an App Development course and a second AP Computer course. Because of Kevin’s background in Secondary Education, OTW is a popular option for High School students, especially as it counts for an Independent Physical Education course (ISPE). CrossFit OTW prides itself on the tight knit community built over the past three years. OTW’ers can be seen playing bubble soccer, at a Padre’s game, at one of the various breweries in the area, competing in a GORUCK challenge, hiking Torrey Pines, or even at the gym after hours playing some competitive corn hole! Kevin says that CrossFit OTW is a “Third Place” – your home away from home and work, where a strong family supports your healthy lifestyle. CrossFit OTW is located at 11211 Sorrento Valley Road, Suite D, at the intersection of the I-5 and I-805. With convenient freeway access, they provide you with the opportunity and resources to achieve health and fitness goals with a quick stop on your way to or from work or school each day. CrossFit OTW offers a 45-minute class structure to get members in and out of the gym and back to the business of life and it’s proven programming to get all age groups strong and conditioned. The atmosphere and community gives members a reason to come back every day. Visit CrossFit OTW at

Thursday, March 6, 2014

San Diego's Most Trusted Home Loan Advisor

David interviews Julie during a Google Hangout: David: Today, I’m here with Julie Ozanich, who’s our local home lending expert on the I wanted her to talk a little about some of the cool things that she’s doing marketing-wise, as well as what she’s doing within the community that’s really highlighting the community in many ways. One of the things is, she’s our host for Lifestyle Tours, and we get to meet some great realtors, check out some really neat properties. Julie, tell us a little bit about that series. Julie:    Lifestyle Tours wonderful feature on the website. Once a month we feature several homes that are listed for sale in the area. We have the opportunity to talk with several realtors and feature these properties, which helps give folks an idea of what type of properties are available in that area and the neighborhood, and gives a neighborhood feel of what that community has to offer. It’s so much fun getting to know everyone there. David: It’s great because we get to check out the properties. We go around on caravans so we get to see the community as well, which is fantastic. When you’re on caravan … I’m always there, generally, so I see that you’re asked a lot of questions. One of them was policies are always changing, laws are always changing; how are you adapted to that? You really respond well so many times. I’d like to have you share that a little bit. Julie:    Sure. We've actually been following a lot of these rules and regulations for some time now, so there’s very minor changes that we’re going through as of this year; some of the policies put into place. I hear feedback other lenders are going through a lot of changes. We did those changes a while back, and at the same time, we’ve adapted. Part of the rules is regulations on certain loan programs that are being offered. We were able to go out and find investors that were willing to take those risks and still offer special features, like debt ratios that are up to 50%, interest-only loans, value loans; things like that we still have available. Finding programs where we’re still willing to take that risk and offer that help more people purchase homes. It’s been really fun to get the word out on those things. David: One of the great things that I enjoy is to watch Julie come alive on camera. It’s neat because a mortgage is not necessarily a really exciting topic at times. It can be, but a lot of times people don’t necessarily equate that with excitement. You really bring not only mortgage as a subject alive, but really seeing you come alive on camera has been great. Thanks for being our host on that. Julie:    Thank you for having me, David. It’s been a lot of fun. David: Check out Julia on our website, at the, or you can also check out our YouTube channel. We’ll be sure to have you on here again to talk a little bit more about home lending and different topics like that. Julie:    Thanks, David. It’s been fun. Thanks. David: Thank you.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

How To Get Your FREE Wordpress Website

  The Team at will walk you through the first steps on how to setup your WordPress site. There are quite a few steps; however, we’re just going to cover … Drew’s going to cover the basic first steps. Drew, if you could.   Drew:              Sure. Hey, David. Just a quick follow-up to the Hangout we did a couple days ago. I know we had some specific questions about ‘What’s next? How do we get that free site?’ I’m just going to click over and share my screen right now. When I do, I think I’m going to probably make you and I go away, but we should be able to still hear each other. Just when I do that, confirm you can still see the screen.   David:             Yep, I see myself now.   Drew:              Cool. You should be able to see BlueHost. Can you see my screen?   David:             Yes, I can.   Drew:              Perfect. The first thing that people need to do is they need to go to In fact to be more specific, there’s going to be a link right below the video that they need to click on, and that link will take them to BlueHost. The reason they need to use the link, David, is because that link is our affiliate link; we will earn small commission on their signup. They’re still going to pay the same price, whatever hosting package they choose so it’s not going to inflate their price. Blue Host is just going to pay us a small referral; it’s called an affiliate commission. That affiliate commission is what enables us to set these sites up for free for people; just wanted to disclose that.   David:             That seems fair.   Drew:              Clicking the link will take them to BlueHost. All they need to do here is just simply click the button that says Get Started. The first choice they have is if they have a new domain; this a domain that they haven’t yet purchased and they’re going to type it in here. If they have an existing domain that they want to use, then they’ll just type it in right here. Doesn’t matter, from our perspective, which one they do. The only comment that I would add is it’s a brand new domain then everything’s pretty much instantaneous. If it’s transferring a domain from somewhere, it can sometimes take as long as 48 hours for us to actually complete the setup, just because it will take that long for the domain to be redirected from GoDaddy to HostGator.   I’m just going to create a weird domain here, because obviously, hopefully no one has this registered, just so I can illustrate the point. You’d enter your new domain here. Go through, click Next, or again, you’d enter it in the existing one. Here, it’s going to tell you, ‘Sign Up. Congratulations, that domain’s available’. All they need to do then is just go through here and fill out this information. Down here, they have a choice; this will tell you Account Plan 36-Month is $4 a month, $3.95. They can also come all the way down and do 12-month; it’s $5.95 a month. I don’t think there is actually a per-month option. They do the 12-month package. Setup’s free, there’s no … this includes the domain registration too, which is really nice, because typically, that’s $10-$15 in itself.   David:             Definitely. I’ve seen that, where you have to pay extra for that.   Drew:              Normally, you’d have two fees: You would have the domain registration and then the hosting. For everyone watching this, you don’t need these options here. I’ll explain why you don’t need those: One reason I use BlueHost versus GoDaddy for this is GoDaddy sends you through about 6 pages web sells; it usually just confuses people. Here, just uncheck these; you don’t need them. Enter your credit card information. Click I Confirm and click Next. What’s going to happen is they are going to get an email from BlueHost immediately that’s going to have their C-Panel login and a bunch of other stuff that they’re probably won’t know what it means. All we need them to do is forward that email to us, David. We’ll include an email below this video where they can send that email to. Then once we get that, what we will do is we will then setup WordPress Install for them.   Just so they have an idea of what to expect, currently, this is what all Wordpress sites look like when they’re setup. This is the newest WordPress 2013 theme, I believe it’s called. I guess it’ll probably actually activate to this one; this is 2014. Let me just show them, because I don’t people to look at it and think something is weird. Their site will probably look like this, which I think we all agree, is pretty hideous. What’s important for people to know here, David, is this, as bad as it looks, is the exact platform that currently sits on. I’m just going to pull up your site, because I want people to see visually, while we have them here. This amazing site here, what is this, 4 years of hard work, David?   David:             Actually, a little under 3. Going on a little over 3, actually.   Drew:              What I want people to know is that everything they see here can be built here. David, outside of maybe an occasional image design or setting something up, have you required any … does it require any design skill set or programming skill set for you to run your site?   David:             No.   Drew:              Perfect. WordPress is designed for people, it’s super-easy to use. You may need someone to design a logo or image for you, but we can show you how to get that done relatively inexpensive. This is what you’re going to get. In the backend is a quick tutorial. The only 3 places that people are going to really spend their time, David, and you can confirm or deny this, because you run a successful site, is they’re going to add new posts, which is right here. They’re going to add new pages right here. If they want to choose their theme, they can do so. Again, this is what it looks like out of the box. If I want to choose a theme, I’m just going to click Activate, then I go here and refresh the page. It looks different.   They are all bare bones because there is no content here. There are ways you can actually go to upload paid themes. You can download … I think there is probably about 6000 free themes, so we’ll do another video on that. The other place that people are going to spend time is in plug-ins. Plug-ins are like your apps on your iPhone or Android phones; they simply just add functionality. We’ll do a little video on these also, but again, this would be if you wanted to come in here, just really quickly wanted to install Google Analytics. Let’s just search, and here’s all the Google plug-ins that I can install. It’s super-easy. If I wanted to click one, I’d just click Install, and it’s basically 1-click installation. Let me go back, David, so I can see you, and then if you have … do you have any questions while I’m sharing this screen?   David:             No. I was just going to say, so it’s really … the plug-ins are like apps on your phone. As far as I’m aware, the initial is obviously setting up the domain and the hosting, which we’re going to provide a link where they can go to a trusted site, a legitimate, professional site. From there, obviously, they’ll forward us a link to their … or the email that they got.   Drew:              Correct.   David:             That way, you can setup their theme and walk them through some of the initial steps. Other than that, we’ll follow up with another video with more details about the next step. Is that correct?   Drew:              Absolutely. Just to nail that a little bit more home: Once they email us the email from BlueHost, I will get their site to this part, which is installing WordPress, a responsive theme on here for them, which would be a free theme. Then I’ll personally call them and walk them through how to login to their site, give them a quick tutorial, answer any questions they have, and then talk to them for a few minutes about their business and give them some direction on what type of content they should be creating. Then we’ll follow-up with some other video tutorials for them. We’ll at least make sure that they’re off on the right foot.   David:             Perfect. Thank you, Drew, for your time and this instruction piece. For those who are watching, stay tuned for a follow-up YouTube video to this one. Again, if you have any questions, feel free to email ( the contact information below in the description section.   Drew:              Cool. Thanks, David. Have a great day.   David:             Thank you, Drew.   Drew:              See you guys. ______________________________________________________________ Carmel Valley San Diego Community | David A Moya | Founder David A. Moya is a Carmel Valley San Diego community contributor and influencer for positive change.  As founder of The Carmel Valley Life he focuses on education, transparency and helping others find a voice for their passion.  During his earlier years, he fed his entrepreneurial spirit and founded a company focused on helping kids committed to peak performance.  David went on to pay for his BA in Finance through his real estate business and after graduating flew more than 30 flights to over 10 countries in order to master the art of communication and business.  Today, he enjoys creating value for his community by leading a movement of responsibility – one of sharing knowledge, stories and a helping hand.

Friday, February 21, 2014

"Why" and "How" to Start a Blog

This is David Moya with I'm excited to announce a new program that we're doing here with small businesses in Carmel Valley.  I've got Drew Burks with me on this Hangout here.  We're going to talk a little bit about the actual program.  It's a free program.  We really noticed while working with a lot of businesses that a lot of businesses don't have a website or a blog.  I personally know the power of a blog and a website, because that's what The Carmel Valley Life is.  It's a content driven blog and website.  So, I figured why not pass on the information, the knowledge I've learned and that Drew knows, to small businesses in Carmel Valley.  Drew, tell me, what is that statistic that you were reading to me earlier about the  power of content and blogs? Drew: Yeah.  Hey, David.  You know, a couple of stats actually.  I've heard Google has reported that 50 percent of small businesses don't actually have a website, which is staggering. David:  That's amazing. Drew:   Another statistic that's a little bit alarming is towards the end of last year, the fourth quarter, I personally reviewed about 750, maybe 800, small business websites, companies of probably 40 or fewer employees.  I found about 65 percent of those didn't actually have phone numbers and emails on their websites.  They had like a contact form, like a contact us page. David:  Right. Drew:  Which I just found staggering.  Then, today an infographic came out that said 61 percent of consumers feel much better about purchasing a product from a company if they have a blog on their website.  I think at the end of December 'Forbes' came out with an article that said content marketing, or content directors, were going to be the next high six figure positions in corporate America. Because companies are finally grasping that content is so, so important. David:  What's important... Thankfully, I heard you give a talk.  I was in the audience when you were giving a presentation way back.  You talked about the importance of having your site or your blog on a WordPress site, specifically. Drew: Right. David:  The websites that we're going to help these businesses with, it's going to be based.  Correct? Drew:  Absolutely.  Yeah.  If you currently are looking at building a website... Let's say you're working with a web firm and you want to design a new site.  Absolutely I feel very committed to say if you're not building on WordPress you're making a huge mistake, number one. The reason is this.  Think of WordPress as your iPhone or your Android.  WordPress has what's called plugins.  Plugins are like the apps on your iPhone or your Android.  Plugins add functionality to your site. WordPress works off of a framework that's SEO friendly right out of the box. David:  Right. Drew:  So, for those of us who aren't coders and SEO geniuses, it works for us.  There are thousands of templates or designs you can choose from, some free, some paid.  I always give people this analogy.  Think of the best book you've ever read or the best movie you've ever seen.  Ask yourself how many times you've read that book or saw that movie. David:  Yeah Drew:  You know, most people tell me half a dozen times, two dozen times.  Well, your website, the websites we all used to have - static online brochure type of website - are like that really great book.  Why would Google or a consumer come back more than a half dozen times if there was no new content? David: Right. Drew:  A blog post is new content.  That's what makes The Carmel Valley Life so phenomenal.  You have amazing content - video, written content.  You have multiple contributors.  So, it ranks extremely well for everything Carmel Valley related, right? David:  Yes. Drew:  It's the content that does it. David:  Yes.  And, obviously, a big part initially when we started was written content.  Now we've incorporated video which is taking it to a whole new level.  That's a different conversation, but you're right.  Content is key.  For us, having that WordPress site and having content continually pumping through the publication has allowed us to rank very high on almost any topic.  Figuring all this out in the last three years or so, I really feel like I should say it's something that anyone can really do as long as they have some basic instructions, some help.  There are things, obviously, that not everybody can do.  That's where I needed help myself.  Luckily, I had good people surrounding me, so we were able  to take the site to another level.  It's something that we can walk these business owners through and not be this crazy process. Drew:  Absolutely. David:  I'm excited about that.  I think if we start there with these websites it's a good foundation that a lot of this other marketing that they can add to later would just plug into their website. They're not building, let's say, a marketing campaign that is not connected. Drew:  Right.  We want to give them the foundation.  I think that's kind of where you and I came together and said there's no reason a business owner in 2014 shouldn't have this. David: Right. Drew:  It takes minutes to do.  There's minimal expense in terms to the business owner.  I mean they need to buy their own domain, $10 or $15.  At the end of the day, if you don't have $15 for a domain you're really not in business. David:  Right. Drew:  Let's just get that out of the way.  Because I know someone's going to tell us that they don't have that.  Beyond that is get your domain, and then we want to set the WordPress site up for you because it's a framework.  It's the same platform that your site's built on. David:  Yeah Drew:  You can run a multi, multi million dollar business on WordPress.  You know, when we talked about it I was just like it's so easy and so quick, let's just kind of donate some time of ours... David:  Yeah. Drew: get Carmel Valley businesses set up with a free website. David:  Yes. Drew:  Then, I think we talked about it before.  But, just to be clear for everyone, we want to give them the platform they need and some basic instructions so that they can create content and start to get new leads to their business and build trust with their audience.  But, we also want to extend them six months of access to a mastermind marketing kind of online marketing membership training coaching program where they have access three Fridays every month to attend an online training if they want to. David:  Yeah. Drew:  Where either themselves or their staff could attend and learn more stuff to take their sites to the next level.  Again, that's all compliments of The Carmel Valley Life to Carmel Valley businesses. David:  Perfect.  Anything else you want to add as we close?  I mean I would just say, before maybe you want to add something, it's free support.  We're really here just  to help you get your website up.  If you do have a website up and you're interested in maybe potentially transitioning to a site, we can still help you with that as well.  We're just going to share with you what we've learned.  I think it's valuable.  Take a look at  It's gotten to where it is now because of some of the things that we're going to teach you.  So, I'm excited personally to assist any business owner out there that's interested. Drew:   Well cool, yeah.  I don't have anything to add except for if you don't have a site, take advantage of this.  Opportunities don't knock every day.  So, take advantage of it.  Let us help you.  It's 2014. Let's get your business a better web presence.  We're willing to help you out with that.  David, thanks a million for having me on here.  I look forward to seeing the post on your site. ***Email for more information or support regarding this FREE local support. ______________________________________________________________ Carmel Valley San Diego Community | David A Moya | Founder David A. Moya is a Carmel Valley San Diego community contributor and influencer for positive change.  As founder of The Carmel Valley Life he focuses on education, transparency and helping others find a voice for their passion.  During his earlier years, he fed his entrepreneurial spirit and founded a company focused on helping kids committed to peak performance.  David went on to pay for his BA in Finance through his real estate business and after graduating flew more than 30 flights to over 10 countries in order to master the art of communication and business.  Today, he enjoys creating value for his community by leading a movement of responsibility – one of sharing knowledge, stories and a helping hand.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Barre & Pilates Studio Helps San Diego Achieve Fitness & Wellness Goals

The following is a transcript of the Google Hangout conversation between Amy Mewborn (founder of Fit in 60) and David A. Moya (founder of The Carmel Valley Life). David: I'm here with Amy Mewborn. She is the founder of Fit in 60. They have locations in Carmel Valley and Carlsbad. Hi, Amy, I'm happy you're on today. Amy: Hi, David, thank you for having me. David: Amy's been a long time contributor and a great friend of mine and also been a great fellow community member and mentor for me. So, I'm glad to have her on and glad to hear more about Fit in 60 and what's going on possibly this month events wise and moving on this year as well. Amy: Sure. First, I always like to kind of tell everyone where I came from. My background is I was a financial advisor for 15 years. I just had what a lot of people would consider to be their dream job. I worked four days a week. I had five weeks vacation. I worked with some of the most amazing people in San Diego. I just wasn't happy. I found at about age 32 that I just was kind of over it and I wanted to make a change. So, I decided to open these two studios, and they're really my passion. I love New Year's. I love January because it's such a great opportunity to get people motivated and for them to feel like they get the chance to start over. We opened the Carmel Valley studio in January of 2011. Each year in January we do a big anniversary celebration. It happens to be this weekend... David: Right. Amy:, tomorrow, and Sunday. We open up the studio. We do free classes all weekend long, so every class we hold... David: Wow. Amy: the Barre studio is free. Then, we run all kinds of specials. We're running a big promotion on our Fit in 60 Fast Fat Blast which is the 60 day program that is designed to be gluten free, dairy free, and soy free to help clients just kind of kick start some of those New Year's resolutions. David: So that's happening this weekend. Amy: Yes, yes, it's actually happening in the Carmel Valley studio right now. David: Oh my goodness. Okay, good, fantastic. We'll have to get this up online so people can see this. Maybe we can put a link where they can get more information. Amy: Sure. David: Amy, I follow your blog online on and you have a lot to say. I appreciate that because I've found it to be very informative, genuine, authentic, and very helpful for my life. I've seen some changes in my life as well. In fact, my wife goes to Fit in 60 and she raves about it. Every day she comes back and she just has nothing but good things to say about Fit in 60. Excited to see more of what's happening in Fit in 60. Anything else you want to say before we sign off? Amy: First of all, I just want to say thank you. I was referred to David and Carmel Valley Life, and I just want to kind of put something out there about them. I've never met such good people with such integrity. That's really important for me. I think when we're running a business you don't necessarily always meet people like that. I just want to say thanks. David: Oh, Amy, thank you. You're so sweet. I appreciate that. I thank you for always being honest with me. I know we do some business together as well. I've supported you guys on the video end, and every time I meet with you you're just always honest and full of integrity yourself. I think that's what really makes what I do enjoyable. So, thank you as well. Amy: Thank you. David: All right. We'll have you on again and we can hear a little bit more about some other events. But, we'll be sure to put some links below this video so people can find out more information about Fit in 60. Amy: Great, thanks so much. Have a great day. David: All right, Amy. Bye bye. Amy: Bye.

Friday, January 24, 2014

"Best You Ever" Carmel Valley Chiropractor's Revolutionary Program

David:  I think we’re live now.  Hi, this is David Moya, with  I see the Live button.  We are starting our series here with some of our contributors.  We have Dr. Steve Ronco, from Torrey Hills Chiropractic with us today. Dr. Ronco:  Hi, David. David:  Yes, sir.  Did I say something wrong? Dr. Ronco:  No. I just said hello. David:  All right.  Not only is he a friend of mine, he’s actually my chiropractor, as well.  He is a long-time contributor of and on  Everybody welcome Dr. Steve.  Thanks for coming on. Dr. Steve, I've heard, obviously since I've been in your clinic, you talk about this new program, a revolutionary program that you started called ‘The Best YOU Ever.’  Is that correct? Dr. Ronco:  That’s correct, David.  That’s our new initiative for 2014. David:  Tell us a little bit about that.  I’m excited.  It looks like I’m going to be in that program, and then obviously, you’re sharing it with your other patients.  Tell us a little bit about that new program. Dr. Ronco:  First of all, David, thanks for having me on.  It’s a pleasure to be here.  I really like doing this stuff for you and for The Carmel Valley Life because it is local community stuff.  Really what this came down to was the essence of my practice is really based on balancing other things in your life, as well.  It’s not just all about one thing, it’s a wellness lifestyle.  As you take that shift towards wellness, a lot of different things start to line up.  What we did with this program is I finally put it all together and realized if this is what we’re always doing, let me create a new template or a framework for you to be able to achieve that.  As a patient coming in, I’m here to help you in more ways than just when you come into the office. Really what is comes down to now is most people will set goals, they understand about goal-setting or at least they have wishes or desires that they want to achieve, but most people don’t actually write them down.  Then life happens and we start to get caught up doing everything else, and what goes by the wayside but the things that we wanted to do earlier in the year. I want to try and circumvent that, and by the end of the year, be able to show you a template that got you from point A to point B and that’s a better place to be. David:  Accountability? Dr. Ronco:  Yeah, basically, and a template.  It’s just a framework for you to take step-by-step toward achieving something, which we all need a little guidance or a refresh from time to time.  What it comes down to, I found this quote that I really liked: ‘Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.’  A lot of us have heard that before; it’s probably been floating around Facebook too, and all the books and some of the things that we read.  Suffice to say that 8 out of 10 people believe that their life lacks overall goals to begin with.  Of the people that do create a goal, only 1 in 5 write them down.  Did you know, David, that if you write down your goals, you increase the likelihood of you achieving them by about 10 times? David:  That’s great. Dr. Ronco:  Most people don’t realize your health actually affects everything you do.  With so many people depending on you, it makes sense to invest in your health.  One of my primary things is let’s show you a way to be able to do that. David:  You guys have different facets or different aspects of the program; it’s all-encompassing.  It reaches beyond your health.  You got stuff you can do at home, at the gym, and different things regarding your health, what you eat and so forth.  Talk a little bit more about those different facets of the program. Dr. Ronco:  Absolutely.  Thanks for bringing it up.  View more at Dr. Ronco:  You too.

Coastal San Diego Real Estate Specialist Shares Market Insight

David: Hi. This is David Moya. I’m here with Ryan Dalzell, from the Dalzell Group Real Estate.  He’s a buddy of mine, as well as a long-time contributor on  I’m going to make my introduction quick, because we’re trying to make these videos quick, to-the-point. Ryan, welcome. Can you tell us a little bit about some trends that are going on right now, both in Carmel Valley and then some coastal market updates, as well? Ryan:  Sure, not a problem. I think as probably most people know, the year ended up being a real good one in 2013 for San Diego real estate and at the coast in particular.  I think we’re building off of that as we go into 2014, a little bit of a rising interest rate market which actually motivates buyers to get into the market, because really, rates are still at historical lows, although they’re up from where they were a year ago. I think one of the really interesting trends that we’re noticing with the buyers that we’re working with is that they are looking for newer homes, either brand-new construction or remodeled homes along the coast because there’s just such limited supply for those type of homes that it’s very sought after.  In Carmel Valley, there’s a new community, Alta Del Mar Pardee Homes; they’re building and they are selling quickly.  They’re selling, a lot of times, over what they’re asking.  These are $2 million homes. We’re also seeing it in other areas.  Up the coast, especially in places like Encinitas, Solana Beach, where you do have some older homes that now are either being gutted, scraped, or going through an extensive remodel permitting process because people want to live that close to the beach.  If they can get a new place that is essentially new construction, then that’s what they’re looking for. David: You guys are helping with inventory? Ryan:  Yeah.  We have a group of investors that we work with.  They’re trying to find properties that need extensive remodeling.  They’re going in and doing that.  There’s also a lot of demand because of the demographics.  I think we've got a lot of extended family or in-laws that are now living on the same property, so homes that have a guest suite on the property are in high demand, as well.  That’s actually a very interesting component that a lot of the builders and a lot of the remodelers are trying to look at doing. David:  Wow.  Thank you for that information.  What we’ll do is we’ll put some links to some of your recent videos that you've done regarding some of your most recent rehabs, remodels, as well as some of your listings that you currently have.  Ryan, thanks for being with us.  We’ll be sure to include a link to your website, if anyone has any questions direct it at you and your group.  Thanks again. Ryan:   No problem.  Thanks for having me on. David:  Until next time.  Thanks. Ryan:  See you.